Yard Emanis

Pro Seminar I

Reframing is allowing organizations to use a perspective unique to the cause at hand. Allowing your group to view the challenge in a new light gives an additional perspective and highlights better solutions with multiple views. In this method, you can embrace a learning moment with your organization and develop a stronger group dynamic and a discerned view before your next challenge. Growth is part of every successful organization. As we build organizations they have moments of a readjustment that will allow the team to function in the new era with its new challenges.

Human Resource Frame

The human resource frame has been a standard in the leadership resources until recently. A great human resource leader is a catalyst for the team. This leader uses motivation, empowerment, and is a constant facilitator to the team. These leaders believe in great communication skills and use talent, sensitivity, and service but not force. This leader demonstrates a belief in the team, they are visible and accessible to their team, they empower the team and move decision making far into the team structure to allow greater participation of the whole team.

Political Frame

In the political frame, a leader employs advocacy, acknowledges the use of influence is best after first understanding the needs and concerns of the people. Good political leadership will decipher their need and how they can get it met, decipher the power structure and how to obtain fulfillment of the interests of the group, build networks with the other stakeholders, they will use persuasion, then negotiation, and finally if it is required as last resort coercion.

Symbolic Frame

In the symbolic frame, the leader will use interpretation and meaning to create meaningfulness in the team. They employ imagery like symbols, lead by example, communicate a vision, enjoy telling stories, respect and use historic elements to link the past to the present challenges. They often employ transformational leadership.

Structural Frame

The structural frame is one of the standard resources in business management. The leaders need to inform and give structure to the team, but this is viewed as archaic and a dominating top-down theory that is linked to rigidity in the past. The view of the structural frame is now more of an analytical process to access the failings in the current process and restructure a team and an organization to bring about a solution for an organization. The modern structural frame leader does not use tyranny or force. They analyze their structure and the functioning of the team with perception, develop a new model that meets the needs of the team with structure, strategy, and the environment of the team. They focus on the implementation of the change. They continually experiment with the structure, re-evaluate the structure, and then adapt the structure. A structural frame can bring an organization back from a destructive or neglected path and infuse the team with a higher purpose and energy.

Multiple Frame

As discussed in many of the resources in Organizational Leadership from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandi, Adizes, Senge, Bolman & Deal, the use of reframing and multiple frame view is very successful and well informed for leaders who create innovation and insight. While employing a political frame and a symbolic frame many prophetic leaders have brought about a historic change in many parts of business, government, reforms, and social justice.


CourseBrief Discription
OGL 220

Personal Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations
An analysis of behavioral dynamics in leadership accounting for stress, emotional intelligence, mental models with perspective-shifting, effective listening skills, body language, and human relationships and how the interactions of others to create the best team dynamic.

Christina's Personality Test

OGL 260Foundations of Finance/ Resource Allocations In Organizations

Financial assessments of business with the value of time, money, risk, and reward. We were able to look into several corporations and how the operations and financial ramifications of business decisions created value for the shareholders and the stakeholders.

Dyson Paper for OGL 260

OGL 320 Foundations of Project Management

Project Management Fundamentals where we employed project scope, project timeline, resources, and managing project teams. 

Gantt Chart Christina's Project Plan
The Big Dig Paper

OGL 300

The Theory & Practice of Leadership

The difference between management and leadership and the insight to leader and follower, in being a good follower you can become a great leader.

Servant Leadership Paper
Discussion on Leadership

BIS 340

Socrates and the Super Worker

The process of changing the hierarchal corporate structure to a tipped structure. To understand work style patterns and your own work style.

Christina's Work Style Evaluation

BIS 343

Social Process in Organizations

Collaborative Development of an outreach project abroad. Tasked with project management, social contracts, resource allocation, research a culture and the needs of the environment.

Fab Five Project
An outreach to further secondary education to aremote population in Mexico.

BIS 357

Assessment in Organizations

Evaluate several business processes, The Fifth Discipline, evaluate the best tool for the industry and business in assessment.

Christina's Business Evaluation Video

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